Could DC’s Senior Citizen Real Property Tax Relief Be Amended?
The DC Council is putting forth a united effort to modify the amount of real estate tax deduction to be credited to qualified by DC senior citizens.
The Council is looking to increase the ceiling on household incomes from $125,000 to $180,000 to permit this deduction to be applicable to more DC senior citizens.
The latest text of the Council’s Amendment provides senior citizen owners of a residence with a household adjusted gross income of $130,000 shall be eligible for a fifty percent (50%) deduction in computing real property taxes and this deduction will be phased out to $180,000. The deduction will conversely be increased with a decreased household income until the maximum deduction of ninety percent (90%). This deduction is also appliable to eligible households of cooperative associations.
If this legislation passes, its effect will only be felt by DC tax payers once it is included in the Council’s approved budget and financial plan.
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